“One Time” Surgical Management of Severe Genitourinary and Rectal Prolapse
Treatment of a case presenting an associated large rectocele and enterocele
Autori: M. Mongardini – M.L. Framarino – C. Iavarone – F. Benedetti – F. Custureri - FEBBRAIO 2005
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" – Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche – Azienda Policlinico Umberto I – ROMA
Presentato nel corso di:
- World Congress of Coloproctology and Pelvic Diseases – Roma, 15 giugno 2005,
- XVI Congresso di Chirurgia dell’Apparato Digerente – Roma, 13 maggio 2005, 107° Congresso SIC – Cagliari, 11 ottobre 2005
Women with genital prolapse often may have varying degrees of associated pelvic organ prolapse, such as a cystocele, rectocele, or enterocele. The importance of identifying and correcting such prolapse while performing surgery for urinary incontinence and for constipation has been emphasized by coloproctologists, urologists and urogynecologists. These additional procedures contribute to the overall success of the surgical management of the "pelvic floor prolapse". Furthermore new technologies play a paramount role in improving surgical technique, and a close cooperation between clinicians and industry will always lead to significant progress. We present a short video showing a case of a young woman with genital and rectal prolapse associated with cistocele, rectocele and enterocele treated by a multidisciplinary surgical team.